Picture a collaborative ecosystem that:

  • Provides rich feedback for care workers, providers, consumers and their loved ones.
  • Features new, collaborative methods for employers in the care sector to attract, train, roster, retain and reward staff.
  • Offers unprecedented flexibility and mobility for workers to move between care organisations.
  • Empowers time-poor care workers to enhance their skills and career.
  • Collects rich, deep data that can be used to employers to inform future planning and decision making.

This ecosystem is Workforce Central.

The development and implementation of the technology, tools, processes and research that make up the three key components of Workforce Central is the focus of the NaCWA alliance members.


Developing the tools, technology and processes to improve worker control and mobility between organisations.

  • Develop linked workforce processes, such as onboarding, to attract and retain care sector workers.
  • Develop technology solutions, such as the Skills Passport, to increase mobility and control for workers.


Centralised learning and development to enhance career, skill & learning development.

  • Develop a centralized, streamlined and transportable skills development learning ecosystem for workers.
  • Digital badging and learning recognition for professional development.
  • Rewards scheme, such as EduCredits, to support workers in their professional development.


Research and data hub to inform strategic planning, programs and services.

  • Worker deep dive research to obtain a deep understanding of the needs and wants of existing and future workers.
  • Use robust, combined data to identify system and process gaps and improvements.
  • Become a trusted strategic advisor for care workforce insights to government, community and industry.

For the latest updates on workforce central, please visit our NEWS page

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